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Working Together on Project

Up Your
Strategic Game

A good project needs public support but without the proper messaging, materials, and outreach it can seem like an uphill battle to achieve it. We work with clients to extend the public understanding of what their project brings to the community, address key challenges, and work towards a better awareness of why a project can enhance our collective future.

Educational Initiatives &
Public Information Programs

Highway 101: Carpinteria to Santa Barbara

Updating a 1950s freeway in Coastal California is a challenge. Working collaboratively with 100,000 neighbors, five distinct communities, and the traveling public is no easy feat. We work with SBCAG, Caltrans, the County of Santa Barbara, and the Cities of Santa Barbara and Carpinteria to educate the public, establish a neighborly approach to addressing issues, and make it easy to understand the benefits of this complex, multiyear, multimodal project.

Aerial image of Hwy 101 near the ocean
Rendering of Southbound Highway 101 on-ramp at Cabrillo Boulevard
Hwy 101 SB Logo
Rendering of Hwy 101 in Montecito
Hwy 101 Montecito Logo
Rendering of Evans Ave Undercrossing
Hwy 101 Summerland Logo
Rendering of Santa Claus Lane Undercrossing
Hwy 101 Padaro Logo
Aerial image of Hwy 101 in Carpinteria
Hwy 101 Carpinteria Logo
Rendering of Santa Claus Lane Bikeway
Santa Claus Lane Bikeway Logo
Rendering of the Olive Mill Roundabout
San Ysidro Roundabout Logo
Rendering of the Olive Mill Roundabout
Olive Mill Roundabout Logo
Image of the SBROADS Website Homepage
Image of the Carpinteria Carpool Lane Kick-Off Invite
Image of the Hwy 101 Video
Image of the Santa Claus Lane Bikeway Postcard
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Image of ribbon cutting
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Solar Energy

Santa Barbara
Clean Energy

We were thrilled to help launch, brand, and create ongoing educational materials for a new, unique clean energy program designed exclusively by the City of Santa Barbara. 

SBCE 100% Green Logo
SBCE Green Start Logo
SBCE Resilient Logo
Santa Barbara Clean Energy Logo
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Utility Pole
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Image of SBCE Video
Image of SBCE Social Media Ad
Image of SBCE Mailer
Image of SBCE Website Homepage


Drive Safe Logo

Drive Safe Hwy 166

Chesebro Crossing Logo

Chesebro Crossing

Hwy 101 Linden & Casitas Pass Logo

Hwy 101: Linden and Casitas Pass

Chapale Street Bridge Replacement Logo

Chapala Street Bridge Replacement

Hwy 101 Milpas to Hot Springs Logo

Hwy 101 Operational Improvements: Milpas/Hot Springs 

Seal of the City of Santa Barbara California Logo

Santa Barbara General Plan Update

Old Town Sidewalks Logo

Old Town Sidewalks

Aerial image of Cabrillo Blvd and Mason St bridges

Cabrillo Blvd Bridge Replacement

Multiyear bridge replacements on a busy waterfront draw a lot of attention. This project had roughly twenty years of planning and input before construction started. We worked with the City of Santa Barbara to set expectations, inform locals and visitors, and work closely with local businesses during pre-construction and construction to ensure a smooth, appreciated project that benefits habitat areas, water flow, and access for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers.

Image of Cabrillo Bridge
Image of Cabrillo Bridge Ribbon Cutting
Image of Cabrillo Blvd
Chesebro Crossing Logo


Maintaining a local culture while expanding a freeway overcrossing can be complicated. Agoura Hills residents were deeply concerned about losing their sense of community with this expansion. We worked closely with the City of Agoura Hills, Caltrans, neighbors, and local business owners to create a baseline of understanding prior to construction, a smooth process during construction, and educational materials before and after construction to highlight the benefits for longtime residents and newly emerging bike enthusiasts.

Image of Chesebro Kick-off Event
Aerial image of Chesebro Crossing
Aerial image of Chesebro Crossing
Image of the Chesebro Video
Paseos Community Corridors Logo
Old Town Sidewalks Logo
Mission Canyon Bridge Studies Logo
SBPD New Police Station Logo
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History 100 Year Seal

Community Master Plans & Marketing

Casa Dorinda

Sometimes a refresh is exactly what is needed. We worked with Casa Dorinda to rebrand their community by highlighting the elegance of the original estate and infusing a forward-looking energy. The reinvigorated spirit carried into our work on their Campus Master Plan through resident education, neighborhood outreach, and public hearings. The result was a project without neighborhood opposition in Montecito.

Image of the Casa Dorinda Brochure
Image of the Casa Dorinda Fall Social
Casa Dorinda Logo
Image of the Casa Dorinda Event Envelope
Image of the Casa Dorinda Event Save the Date
Image of the Casa Dorinda Event Invite

Valle Verde Retirement

Expansion in Santa Barbara is always challenging, even for an established community looking to update their existing campus. We worked hand-in-hand with residents to establish the baseline of what a successful Master Plan meant to them. Then we worked with neighbors over a multiyear period to gain approval (unanimous votes from review commissions) for campus enhancements and new homes.


Having established a successful partnership, our team has continued to provide marketing support for more than a decade.

Valle Verde Master Plan
Valle Verde Master Plan Logo
Rendering of a Valle Verde Home
Image of a Valle Verde Social Media Ad
Rendering of a Valle Verde Building
Image of a Valle Verde Promotional Example
Image of a Valle Verde Promotional Example
Image of a Valle Verde Promotional Example

Community Master Plans & Marketing Projects

Atterdag Village of Solvang

Casa Dorinda

Elings Park

Hillside House

Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara Zoo

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

St. Vincent’s

Valle Verde Retirement Community


MedBridge Development

PARI Innovative Manufacturers

PARI Pharma

PARI Respiratory Equipment


Viral Genetics

Doctor and Patient

Healthcare has unique audiences and messaging needed for medical devices, medication development, and start-ups. We have been fortunate to work in a variety of interesting areas with fun partners.


Transportation & Infrastructure

Desal Link

Infrastructure updates are necessary but often challenging in established residential and commercial areas. We provide branding, educational messaging, and outreach for numerous complicated projects, such as Desal Link that is connecting desalinated water within Santa Barbara.

Image of the Desal Link Construction Update
Image of the Desal Link Construction Update
Image of the Desal Link Construction Update
Mission Canyon

Mission Canyon
Bridge Studies

Sometimes the planning process gets bogged down. After decades of fighting, there was still a desire to enhance pedestrian access and safety in this beautiful area of Santa Barbara. Our team worked with engineers, planners, neighbors, and community activists to show how different options could affect the area. 

Image of Mission Canyon Bridge
Mission Canyon Bridge Logo
Image of the Mission Canyon from below Bridge
Image of Press Conference Microphones
Media Relations

ABC 7 in San Francisco

Arizona Daily Star

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Associated Press


Carpinteria Coastal View

CBS 2 in New York

Cottage Living

Detroit News


Dow Jones






LA Times

Martha Stewart Living

Medline Plus

Medscape – WebMD

Metropolitan Home

Miami Herald

Montecito Journal

New York Daily News

New York Post


Orange County Register

Pacific Coast Business Times

Prevention Magazine

Reuters Health

Rocky Mountain News

San Diego Union Tribune

Santa Barbara Daily Sound

Santa Barbara Independent

Santa Barbara News Press

Santa Maria Times

Seattle Post Intelligencer


TV Guide

United Press International (UPI)

Ventura County Star

Wall Street Journal

Washington Times

Yahoo! News

Working with the media can be localized or on an international level. We help our clients with all their media relations needs. The following list is a sample of the wide range of publications where we have earned feature articles.

Ayars and Associates Brand


Ayars & Associates


Web Accessibility Statement

Ayars & Associates is committed to making its online presence,, as accessible as possible for everyone. We are currently reviewing all aspects of our website and are actively working to ensure that the existing site and our future online activities meet appropriate guidelines and standards on web accessibility issues.


​Comments and Suggestions
If you have any comments or suggestions on web accessibility issues relating to the site, please contact us at or 805-845-5682.

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